
Monday, January 25, 2010

::When the dimmest light shines, It seemed to good to be true::

You know what's worst than believing that there is actually hope? That is actually believing there is hope. I know I sound like a bimbo now (or dimbo in my case) but yea. I was flicking through the channels on tv when I came across AXN playing my favourite show of all times which was the Latest season of SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE (SYTYCD)SEASON 6. And so the usual start off was the auditions. So as usual, TV's always kill the excitement in the middle of the show and have a 5 minutes worth of break and out comes all those colourful and quirky or sometimes interesting advertisements. So out came this AXN Dance off contest hosted by AXN in conjuction of the release of the new season of SYTYCD. Being the usual me, I immediately logged in into http://www.axn-asia.com/ and checked out what was it all about! I was like OMG!! Finally, something I can do to showcase what I do until I came into the guidelines. Everyhope was just taken away from me. It was like watching my heart taken out by someone and stabbing it infront of me.

2.Each entrant (and his / her partner) must be at least 21 years of age as of 25 January 2010.

All hope was lost! Gahhh!!!! Its so unfair!!! Why is this cruelty happening to me! :(

Owh btw, if you are 21 years of age and above as stated and you have the talent to dance kindly log in to http://www.axn-asia.com/axndanceoff and check it out! Dont put your talent to a waste! Happy trying and Good luck! :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

::My Dream in the Year of the Tiger::

Dear abandon blog,

I'm sorry I havent been posting up much on you. I've been a busy man. :P Anyhow, the reason for this post is as stated on my title.

Nuffnang in collaboration with Tiger Beer is going to hold the "Nuffnangers Run To Win Towards The Year of The Tiger" event on the 6th of February 2010 at Bar Madrid, Jaya One, PJ. Details as below:


Time: 4.30pm
Date:6th Februry 2010
Venue:Bar Madrid, Jaya One, PJ
Dress Code:Anything!



When they say anything, it seriously means anything. You can come in Tiger Suits, you can come in pajamas or anything you can think of. But in order to qualify for this race, you have to post a blogpost titled *as above* and send an email to maito:fulfillmywish.tiger@nuffnang.comwith your full name and blog permalink and you’re set!

But be informed that only 88 lucky bloggers will be chosen for this event! So hurry up and start blogging now!


As for me, I dont ask much. Everyone else either ask for things like a new bag, or new clothes or a vacation trip or etc.. But I for one do not need all that. Although, keeping yourself well groomed is essential. My dream in the year of the tiger and the biggest one yet is actually to just get a sponsor to start college. I'm not from a well to do family and I survive from my own income. I don't get allowance like other kids do. I don't have family support and what's worst they don't support me in pursuing my future. Eversince I stopped working, I'm low on cash and I am surviving from my own savings. Now not only need I worry about surviving, I have to worry about how to pay for college as well. That is why I ask not for things but for a sponsor to pursue my dreams in college and have a better future! That is my dream in the year of the tiger.

Friday, January 8, 2010

::Fire and Ice::

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Sorry dear blog for not updating you. I've been rather busy or lazy to actually update.lol and well im not here to update much as well...Just a Happy New Year!:D
Nitey nitey bloggie!!
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