
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

::End of the road::

Sometimes, I really wish I wasn't born this way. Or even born to this family. But I can't change what has happened and I definitely can't fight fate. I've always envied most of my friends and other people because they have such nice family and they get what they want. As for me, my parents divorced when I was 2 perhaps? I can't even remember. I was brought up by my stepfather who I originally thought was my dad until the age of 6. I was then brought back to the hands of my grandparents who took care of me. They sent me to a very decent family to live with.

Now whenever I think or look back to my past, I am very grateful that I was brought up with this foster family. Anyway, back to the top. I was being brought up with this foster family of mine who took me as their son. I later found out about my biological father when I was 8. Since then I loathed him so damn much! I was brought up being fully aware that my grnadmother was the one who was financially supporting me in every aspect. Not a single penny from my dad nor my mum. So as I grew, I turned to be more mature thinking at a very young age.

Now I suffer from whatever they did. I am financially unstable. That is why I havent started college. I may act like I have it all but reality is that I dont. That was why I came out to work saying that I want to gain experience. Well all that aside now. I am gonna start looking around for college and sponsors soon. So pray hard for me.

Signing off now..

1 comment:

  1. You,
    whatever happens, you're always going to be surrounded by people who love you.
    Sunshine is gonna be there no matter what.


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