
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

::A journey to a fresh start Prt. 1::

Well, I'm back!!!=D [after week's of disappearance]...

I was on vacation and had very little access to internet but I'm happy I'm back now... Well I'm gonna summarize my trip into a diary like post so here goes....=D

**17th September 2009 - Thursday**

- Took the bus down to Muar after work at 7.30pm to meet my new found love. Reached Muar bus station at around 10pm. His uncle was kind enough to come and fetch me. We went to his grandmother's place and stayed the night there. His relatives are all very friendly and kind. I was happy to meet all of them. We slept at 3am.

**18th September 2009 - Friday**

- Woke up at about 11am. The first thing I was looking for was my fag! Needed to smoke and I didn't know why. And then out of random we popped in his aunt's car and drove down to Tangkak to fetch his other aunt. At about 1pm, we decided to go to Muar town. Stopped by this small mall, had lunch and a sudden crazy idea hit in. We took the bus to Malacca and decided to stay there for the night. It was so random that we didn't even pack a few pieces of clothes to Malacca. So took the bus, and reached there at around 5 something 6pm. Stopped by this Indian cuisine restaurant called Selvam Banana Leave Restaurant. Had dinner there and then shot off to Jonker's street. We walked around purchasing a few souvenir and then stopped by a nice bar by the name 11 bistro at Jonker's. After a couple of drinks, went to his Malacca's holiday house at Bukit Serendith.

**19th September 2009 - Saturday**

- Woke up at about 12 something in the noon and went hunting for food. After brunch, had a little walk to St John's Hill. It was a new place to me (even after gazillion times in Malacca). It was a real good exercise and a good walk. Walked back to the house, cleaned up and then off we went to town again. Walked around and found nice places. Then that evening took the bus back to Muar. Reached Muar at around 7pm. Had dinner. And all the preparation for Raya began. I helped out in frying ground nuts to make the peanut sauce. And helped out in the kitchen. Went to bed at like 4 am and prepared for the next day of Raya.

Alright people. That's all for now. My head is to heavy to continue this post. Will continue the journal when I can. Till then, With all my love and hugs and kisses...*muacks*

~raspberry vodka~

p.s. I love you baby....mwa...

Monday, September 14, 2009

::You're my life now::

I am now caught in a mess between my current and my ex... It's just so frustrating to be in such situation just because the ex said somethings in his blog.. Seriously, I don't know what is going on in the ex's mind anymore.. I'm just confused...

But no matter what baby... I won't leave you hanging there alone...I've told you that you're the one for me now...

You are my life now... and I won't let you go..

~raspberry Vodka~

Sunday, September 13, 2009

::hush hush::

Today met the ex for lunch...Things went well...but a lot of things was disturbing me...I don't know..It kills me to know that he loves someone else and all..the idea of sharing a body so fine and fit and was there for me when I needed them was just disturbing..

Right now, all I need is just to meet him to get better...(referring to the current one)

~Raspberry Vodka~

Saturday, September 12, 2009


It hurts to know....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I'm going crazy without you..

Saturday, September 5, 2009

::Cheer Worlds 2009::

Hey y'all...I'm back!!!I know haven't been updating..hehe..=p...Anyhow, this post is going to be all for cheerleading! I'm not talking about normal cheerleading people...It's the Cheer World's 2009 competition this year!

First of all, this year's Cheer World's was brought to the next level... Seriously, it's one of the best... So I'm just gonna let the video do the talking!

::Cheer World's 09 Champions - California All Stars Senior Unlimited Coed::

:: 2nd place - Top Gun All Stars Senior Unlimited Coed::

::3rd place - Cheer Extreme All Stars Senior Unlimited::

Well this are only the top 3 for the senior all stars division competition. You can catch the other video's on youtube. =D

By the way, thursday practice was intense. 10 minutes of jogging, 30 push ups, 100 banana roll, 30 toe touches, 20 pikes, 30 basket tosses, 30 minutes of single basing, and a lot of flexibility work...

Anyway, till next time...

~raspberry vodka~
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